Make Veganuary work for your business and your customers - all year round - with PureCraft
Veganism doesn't only bring benefits to your own health and that of the planet - it can also be brilliant for business too.
By the end of Jan 2022, Veganuary estimates that over 2 million people will have signed up to the campaign, with about 25% coming from the UK. A recent YouGov poll of 2,079 UK adults for Veganuary found 4% planned to participate. If that's applied to all UK adults, it would equate to around 2.7 million people. That's quite a market - and one that more and more consumers are interested in staying in for the long term.
“More than half of our non-vegan participants maintained a fully vegan diet for the whole month (59%) and an amazing 72% of them plan to stay vegan after Veganuary”.
The main reasons that participants gave for staying vegan beyond January included learning more about what a vegan diet actually entails, finding a vegan lifestyle easier - and tastier - than they expected, and noticeable health benefits including lower rates of diabetes, heart disease and obesity, reduced cholesterol and blood sugar levels, better digestion and clearer skin.
On top of that, a recent report commissioned by Sainsbury's predicted that by 2025, vegans and vegetarians will make up a quarter of the British population.
That's an even bigger market.
And here's some more good news: PureCraft's exciting range of vegan alternatives offer genuine choice for you and your consumers - with zero compromise on texture or taste.
So if Veganuary worked out for you and your customers, why stop it at January?
Now you can do the right thing throughout 2022 - with PureCraft's range of vegan mixes here to support you.